CFP: Young Scholars in Writing v22

We’re writing to share the CFP for Young Scholars in Writing (attached). Please share this with any undergraduate researchers in rhetoric and writing studies and your colleagues. We’ll begin accepting submissions for volume 22 on December 15.

Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research articles by undergraduates of all majors and years on the subjects of rhetoric, writing, writers, discourse, language, and related topics. For volume 22, we are accepting the following types of submissions.

  • original research articles (including those written by first-year students)
  • comments and responses to previous YSW articles
  • methodological reflections (detailed narrative and reflection about an experience using an empirical method that is in conversation with the literature on methods)

We (the YSW editors) are eager to support undergraduate research and are available to Zoom into your classes to discuss research and publication in YSW with your students. Just send us an email (youngscholars.editor) to let us know if you’d like to schedule a virtual meeting.

Thanks so much and please be in touch!
Emily Murphy Cope, Gabriel Cutrufello, & Kimberly Fahle Peck, co-editors

Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric

York College of Pennsylvania

