GradSchool: Purdue’s RC grad program accepting applications (Deadline today!)

Purdue University is accepting applications for the 2024-25 graduate cohort in Rhetoric and Composition. The application deadline is approaching: January 15, 2024.

Since 1980, Purdue’s doctoral program in Rhetoric and Composition has been a leading program in our field and beyond, with a strong placement rate. Our doctoral students take courses in areas such as Professional and Technical Writing, WPA/WAC/Writing Center Studies, Rhetorical Theory, Public Rhetorics, UX, Rhetorics of Health and Medicine, and Game Studies. Our program provides opportunities for teaching, research, and administrative work in Introductory Composition, Professional Writing, and with the internationally recognized Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab). We are committed to supporting our grad students with extensive mentoring and job market preparation

We invite you to look at our dilger) or Richard Johnson-Sheehan (rjohnso).

We will also host meetups on Zoom for people who may be interested in joining our program. If you are interested in attending one of these meetings, please contact Richard Johnson-Sheehan.

All best,

Thomas Rickert

Thomas Rickert
Professor of English

English Department, Purdue University
500 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907