CFP: CCCC Feminist Workshop 2025

Call for Proposals: Feminist Workshop “Can I Get a Beat?”

CCCC 2025 Feminist Caucus (F-word)


Conference Date: March 2025 | Location: Baltimore, MD

Sponsored by the Feminist Caucus and in partnership with the Feminist Coalition, we invite proposals for our CCCC 2025 workshop: Can I Get a Beat?

Join us as we offer workshop space to develop a manuscript, find collaborators, and get and share revision and/or editing tips. Anchored by an open Q&A with current Authors, Journal Editors, Collection Curators, and Manuscript Reviewers, this workshop seeks to provide room to write, think, breathe, and learn with others interested in the back of the business and/or collaborative work.

We welcome proposals that would contribute to the workshop conversation on:

  1. Any open writing project that is currently in development and/or,

  2. An experience you (and potentially collaborative partners) have had editing, writing, or reviewing short-form or long-form manuscripts.

The following potential areas of focus are intended to be generative, not restrictive—submissions on any matters related to any open project or publication role are welcome and might include:

  • Edited Collections

  • Interdisciplinary Collaborations

  • Monograph Development

  • Navigating Collaborative Authorship

  • Review Tips

  • Liberatory Citation Practices

  • Publisher Outreach and Partnership Development

  • Lessons Learned from Failures/Successes/Disappointments

Submission Guidelines

Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words. Abstracts should provide the following:

  • Name

  • Title

  • Institutional Affiliation

  • Description of the project/role/idea you would like to share

  • Interest in helping plan, coordinate, or get involved in workshop development and execution (It’s also ok to only want to share an idea or to only want to help plan!)

Submission Deadline: 20 May 2024

The Feminist Caucus values reciprocal and communal engagement in the workshop-building process. All are welcome to attend, build, and work together. We especially welcome work from new and developing scholars, as well as seasoned publication mentors.

Check out the larger C’s alexandria.hanson, that might extend your ability to participate!

Email submissions to femworkc25

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline: 17 May 2024, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

Notifications of Acceptance: 27 May 2024, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

Questions? Please contact Karen Tellez-Trujillo ktrujillo and Aurora Matzke at femworkc25.

CCCC 2025 Information

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