CFP: One month to deadline! Center Moves proposals due July 15

Dear Fellow Administrators and Tutors,

I am writing with a one month reminder to submit to the third issue of Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials.

This archive houses peer-reviewed lesson plans and materials that administrators and tutors can use and modify for training in their centers.

Each issue will center on different consulting topics so that we end up with widespread coverage of content relevant for all writing and learning centers. For the third issue, we invite submissions on the following two themes:

1. Training tutors to navigate AI with writers

Submissions for this theme must center on helping tutors engage with AI in their consultations, whether by using AI to support their writers or to work with writers who are using AI to write. Proposals might discuss:

  • how tutors can implement AI tools to supplement their instruction
  • how to talk to writers who are using AI in ineffective or inappropriate ways
  • how to collaborate with or encourage writers on constructive uses of AI in their writing processes

2. Training tutors to collaboratively establish the agenda

Submissions for this theme must be designed to prepare tutors to set expectations for and create a plan at the start of the consultation. Proposals might discuss:

  • how to train tutors to understand and express the center’s policies and procedures to writers
  • how to consider and ask about the writers’ needs/goals and collaboratively structure the consultation time based on priority
  • how to review and incorporate assignment guidelines/instructor feedback into the session plan
  • how to help tutors welcome and build rapport with the various writers they will see

Proposals are due July 15, 2024. All submissions will undergo a peer-review process before being accepted for publication. The issue will be published in January 2025.

For more information about Center Moves and the proposal submission process, please see the RMWCA website.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Best regards,
Erin Zimmerman
Managing Editor, Center Moves

Erin Zimmerman, PhD

Writing Center Director
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Managing Editor of Center Moves: A Peer-Reviewed Archive of Tutor Training Materials