Survey: Understanding Privacy and Surveillance in Technical and Scientific Communication: A Study of Programs in Texas


My name is Charles Woods. I am an Assistant Professor of English performing a research study called, “Understanding Privacy and Surveillance in Technical and Scientific Communication: A Study of Programs in Texas.” This research study is funded by the Council of Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication.

I am reaching out to recruit participants for my research study [IRB Approval #2569]. If you teach in Texas and are interested in participating in an interview for this study, please reach out to Charles Woods via email at Charles.woods. Interviews will take approximately 30-minutes-to-1-hour via Zoom. A Consent Form and interview questions are provided.

Participants who complete the interview will receive a $50 gift card. Additionally, participants who complete the interview will be invited to develop and submit pedagogical materials to the Digital Rhetorical Privacy Collective (DRPC) for additional funding (

Thank you,
