Job: Renewed search: Brown Visiting Teacher Scholar at Stetson University

Dear all,

We are re-opening our search for a two-year position at Stetson University to teach a reduced load (2/2) and serve as Assistant Director of the Writing Center. I attach the position description.

For context: the original position description emphasized our efforts at DEI work in the Writing Center. I recognize—as do we all—the complicated nature of DEI work in the State of Florida, so I want to reinforce that Stetson is a private college, and our in-house DEI initiatives are not affected by the State’s position on diversity and inclusion efforts at our public higher education institutions. However, the responses to the original ad made it clear to us that we needed to revise the position description, which (as you will see in the attached) is now positioned to assist the Writing Center with its work to support our current Quality Enhancement Plan on developing and maintaining information literacy skills.

The position is a good one, and Stetson faculty colleagues and upper administration are among the best I’ve ever worked with. The students and the peer tutors are amazing. A reduced teaching load allows for the Brown Visiting Fellow to develop new courses while learning the ropes of directing an active, engaged, diverse Writing Center with 25 highly trained peer tutors. The goal for these Brown Fellow positions is to bring new thinking to the Writing Center and to help a new PhD develop the skills and resources necessary to land a permanent position elsewhere.

Teaching assignments in the English Department include a range of potentials: our newly redesigned developmental writing course, a variety of first year writing-enhanced courses, the opportunity to develop courses in rhetoric and composition at the 200 and 300 level, and a chance to teach our 400-level Writing Studies course.

Please share widely. I am chairing the search committee, and I am happy to chat off-list about the position.



Megan O’Neill, PhD (she/her/hers)

Associate Professor of English
Executive Director for Liberal Learning

Department of English, Unit 8300
Stetson University

421 N Woodland Blvd
DeLand, FL 32723

Job Description BTVS revised 2023(2) (1)(1).pdf