CFP: Virtual International Researchers Consortium

Dear colleagues:
In addition to our usual workshop at the 2025 meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), the International Researchers Consortium (IRC) will host a free-of-charge, fully online workshop in January 2025. IRC continues to support the in-person workshop format as optimal for the kind of exchange we aim to foster, but we recognize that not all scholars are able to travel easily. We believe this virtual option will offer a useful alternative. We hope to engage researcher-participants from many countries and research traditions in an equal exchange dialogue, learning from one another. The workshop is designed to make space to read, think through, and discuss in detail one another’s work, to get rich feedback on our own projects, and to understand other institutional, cultural, and political contexts where writing and writing research take place.
We invite brief proposals for up to sixteen (16) researcher-participant roles focused on research about writing in higher education outside of the U.S. In particular, we invite scholars from contexts that have historically been underrepresented at the US-based conference to apply.
By “research,” we mean a project that has a focused research question, an identified methodology, and the collection of data in some form. This research may be at any stage and does not need to be final. The project should be carried out either by scholars in countries other than the U.S. studying writing there, or scholars collaborating deeply across borders. The research may be focused on the teaching, study, production, or circulation of writing in any language, and may use data in any language, though the language of the workshop will be English. We are willing to help with translation of a text into English as needed, if the paper is accepted for the workshop.
The workshop will consist of

  • An initial meeting of all participants
  • Virtual roundtables organized by time zone over the course of a week
  • A final meeting of all participants.

Your role in the workshop would be to provide a text about your research in December 2024, to read the other workshop facilitators’ texts, and to participate in the full group meetings and virtual roundtables at the end of January 2025, discussing your and others’ projects.
We invite you to submit a brief, informal proposal which explains your project and its goals and methods, then how you currently see your research fitting into a network of writing researchers. In other words, what connections do you expect to see with other kinds of research, and what do you think researchers from other contexts might learn from your study?
Please submit your proposal by Oct 25 via this form. Our anticipated timeline after that deadline follows:

  • 10/25-11/3: IRC Steering Committee reviews proposals
  • 11/3: We send acceptances with instructions
  • 12/23: Accepted participants send full texts
  • 1/6: We send group assignments and share instructions
  • 1/24-1/31: Initial meeting, virtual roundtables, concluding meeting

If you have any questions, please email us at intlresearchersconsortium

Thank you!
Co-Chairs of the IRC Steering Committee
Brooke Schreiber
Jay Jordan
Joe Wilson

IRC Steering Committee

Jay Jordan jay.jordan
Magnus Gustafsson magusta
Brooke Schreiber Brooke.Schreiber
Alena Kasparkova alena.kasparkova
Teresa Mateo Girona mtmateo
Inas Mahfouz imahfouz
Joe Wilson jwilso56
Angela Rounsaville angela.rounsaville
Tiane Donahue Christiane.K.Donahue
Havva Ozer hzorluel