News: Proposal Requiring Vote at CPTSC Business Meeting

Dear CPTSC Members:

According to the CPTSC Bylaws, any proposed increase or changes to the membership fees needs to be brought to the membership for discussion and a vote at the annual business meeting held during the annual conference, and the proposals need to be submitted one month prior to the meeting. For reasons explained in the attached proposal, the CPTSC Executive Committee is submitting a proposal to increase the regular membership fee from $40/year to $55/year. Please review the proposal and plan to vote on it on Saturday, Sept. 23 at the annual business meeting.

If you haven’t done so already, please note that the final CPTSC 2023 Conference Program is now available at:

Please also note that membership and registration are available at:

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Charleston in a few weeks!

On behalf of the Executive Committee,

Tharon Howard,

CPTSC President

CPTSC Membership Fee Proposal.pdf