Apply: Call for interim CPTSC member at large

The CPTSC executive committee is seeking nominations for an interim Member-at-large. This is an interim one-year position (2023-2024).

The Member-at-large is a voting position on the CPTSC executive committee.

A Member-at-large can participate on the Executive Committee in a number of ways including serving as Annual Conference Program Chair (at least two Members-at-large per year serve in this role), assisting with Social media and Website updates and development (in consultation with the Executive Committee), and/or serving as liaisons to standing committees.

This is a great way to build leadership skills and serve your professional community.

If you are an interested CPTSC member, please submit your name or nominate another CPTSC member, by sending an email to tcarnegie by Sept. 15th.

Teena Carnegie, Ph.D.

Director, BA in Technical Communication

Eastern Washington University

Past-President, CPTSC