New: College English, 85.6 (July 2023)


In this issue, Janet Carey Eldred and Peter Mortensen ask us to return to literacy narratives, “re-theorizing [their own] 1992 critical framework” to affect an understanding of “literacy that enables mobility” and “break[s] molds of assimilation and multiculturalism that constrain our understanding of what literacy narratives look like in literature emerging out of diasporic communities.”

In “Writing the Central Role of Captions in Live Performances,” Janine Butler examines the “mutually fruitful tension” between art and access in an article that connects performing arts with rhetoric to help us “move further away from the standard of adding captions to the margins of performances and further into the complex challenge of collaborating face-to-face with audiences on making access central in our performances.” And, in her “And Gladly Teach” article, Qianqian Zhang-Wu introduces her approach to applying a Community of Inquiry model to an asynchronous online college writing course for multilingual international students.

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