CFP: GSOLE Webinars for 2024–2025

Hello friends,
The GSOLE Webinar Committee is pleased to announce our call for next year’s series on AI in Online Literacy Instruction. Please see below or view the attached PDF for more information. We’re also happy to answer any questions at webinars.

2024–2025 Webinars: Call for Proposals
Submit proposals here by Friday, June 28, 2024

The Global Society of Online Literacy Educators, an organization dedicated to supporting hybrid and online teacher-scholars and tutors, invites everyone (both GSOLE Members and non-members) to submit proposals for our upcoming Webinar Series: AI in Online Literacy Instruction.

GSOLE’s webinars are designed to spark conversation, provide professional development, share ideas, and build community. Webinar recordings are made available to GSOLE members in an online archive, and webinar leaders are encouraged to transform their webinar topics into ROLE or OLOR Effective Practices publications.

Webinars are:
● Led by a single presenter or a group of 2–3
● 60–90 minutes long
● Combinations of theory and practice with actionable plans for instructors, tutors, and others
● Interactive presentations, engaging attendees

In this series, we’re asking presenters to consider any of the following topics surrounding AI use in writing classrooms and in the writing center, including but not limited to:
● AI and writing feedback/revision
● AI and issues of language, race, or gender
● The future of AI in online writing instruction (OWI)
● Productive uses of AI in writing classes and writing centers
● Visual rhetoric & AI
● Development of AI policies
● Pedagogical approaches to AI
● Intersections of AI and genre
● AI ethics
● Supporting AI literacy
● The future of AI in online education
● And more!

If you have questions about the proposal process, please contact us at webinars.

If you are interested in presenting a webinar on one of these topics please submit the following information to this form by Friday, June 28, 2024:
1) All presenter names and emails
2) A tentative Webinar Title
3) Your desired Webinar Months
4) A 500-word proposal that includes details on what the webinar will cover, how this proposal
relates to the theme, a description of the interactive components of the webinar, and 4-5
intended outcomes for participants.

Upon acceptance, you will work with the co-chairs to schedule your webinar. You will meet (virtually) with the committee/co-chairs one month in advance of your webinar, and then again a few days prior to the webinar, to coordinate logistics. The committee will provide technical support and are happy to help you prepare for the webinar. Presenters are also encouraged to to transform webinars into publications for GSOLE’s OLOR Effective Practices or ROLE.

Jennifer Burke Reifman, M.A. [she | her]
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Education, WRaCs

Graduate Assistant to the Director of ELW
Lead Graduate Researcher, StARs/Curious Aggies
Associate Instructor, University Writing Program

U.C. Davis, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616

GSOLE Webinars CFP_2024-2025.pdf